Best of Gophercon 2022

note: this was originally a Twitter thread I posted when the talks were originally made available online, so I’ve dated it as such

@awalterschulze’s talk on gogoprotobuf is essential for anyone maintaining or considering starting an open source project. I loved how open, honest and humble he was about how the whole process affected him

@konradreiche shared, among other things, a really interesting and intuitive design pattern for building processing pipelines, and presented it in a really accessible way!

@austinlparker gave us a really comprehensive overview of the current state of OpenTelemetry, which is something I’ve been meaning to check out properly for a while!

Also I think he might have done his whole talk from an iPad running the Stage Manager beta, for which he should get extra points for bravery!

@doniacld’s talk on using @TinyGolang to monitor her hen house has given me all sorts of ideas on how to make our vivarium and maybe even our beehives smarter!

@michaelcullumuk’s keynote on tech leadership is a must see for anyone whose job involves being in a leadership position, and really helped me be more aware of, and further consider, the power dynamics at play

And also check out Artur Kondas’s talk on linters, which includes some of my not-at-all-rushed code from a linter I wrote as a joke.

Special shout out to @classic_addetz who kept me calm, helped me with my talk, and guided me through the storm, and the rest of the @Form3Tech team for being such cool people to work with every day!

And a special shout-out to @gopherconuk for having me! You can check out the whole 2022 playlist here which I will be doing… now!